Beware of the many faces of fear: the One:12 Collective Ghost Face features four interchangeable head portraits of his elongated mask with various effects including the classic mask portrait, a blood-splattered portrait, a glow-in-the-dark portrait, and a zombie portrait, allowing for a multitude of deadly display options. Ghost Face wears his signature black hooded robe, with posable hood and sleeves through integrated posing wire. He swings knives or a reaper’s scythe, complete with multiple blood FX that attach to weapons. The mysterious killer also carries a popcorn bowl and a remote control for perfect horror movie nights.
Scream One:12 Collective Ghost Face Action Figure
$ 119,99
SKU: MEZ-74009-C
Category: Action Figures
Tags: "NEW", Adult, Black, Ghostface, Teen, TV & Movie FIgures, Unisex
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